Fredericton Youth Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Coach Information

FYHA Coach Applications for the 2024/25 season are now being accepted.

Individuals looking to obtain a coaching, assistant coach, trainer, manager or on-ice trainer position within FYHA must apply. Individuals must first complete the FYHA Volunteer Application form and submit it to the FYHA General Manager @ To apply to coach a Competitive level team please submit your application no later then midnight on August 31, 2024. To coach at the Recreational level or to coach in the U7 & U9 divisions please apply before midnight September 30, 2024. Coaches will be selected by a committee in accordance with the process identified in the FYHA Operations Manual and successful candidates will be contacted by the Director of Coaching & Development and/or by the Division Coordinator.

A Criminal Record Search w/Vulnerable Sector Check background checks are to be completed every 3 years in conjunction with the Hockey NB policy. Residents of Fredericton can apply for a CRC/VSC by clicking on the link below. Be sure to request the VSC (Vulnerable Sector Check) option which will also include the CRC (Criminal Record Check). A criminal record search completed for another association (ie. Boy Scouts) within the 3 year time frame will be accepted, but must be renewed upon the 3 year expiration of date the background check was complete.

Residents living outside the City of Fredericton will need to apply for a CRC/VSC at their nearest branch of the RCMP. You are required to submit a letter acknowledging that you are a volunteer with the FYHA prior to requesting your CRC/VSC. Please contact General Manager at or 506-451-1333 to obtain one of these letters.

FYHA does not cover the cost of the criminal record search. The individual applying to volunteer with the association will pay the fee.

Please note any individual who walks onto the bench as a coach/volunteer without completing a coaching application will be removed immediately.

All persons that volunteered/coached with the FYHA previously who completed a background check during the 2021/22 season or earlier are required to update this information for the 2024/25 season. The deadline to submit background checks is December 15, 2024.

Click here to access the FYHA Volunteer/Coaching Application form.

Applications can be e-mailed to the FYHA General Manager, or dropped off at the FYHA office located in the Sport NB office at Carriage Center on Hanwell Road or mailed to FYHA, 900 Hanwell Road, Suite 31, Fredericton, NB E3B 6A2.

Changes to Hockey Canada Coaching Courses

Hockey Canada has launched the Learning Lab, a new, user friendly experience for coach, volunteer and officials training. The updated course materials, links, and resources will enhance the volunteer experience from years prior and provide practical tools for immediate use.

This means that Coach 1, Coach 2 and the Hockey Safety programs will be moved to online/on demand delivery. Volunteers will be able to take the programs at their own pace, in the comfort of their own home.

The name changes to the courses from years prior include:

Hockey University Online Coach 1/ 2

No longer available

Coach 1: Intro to Coach

Hockey Canada Coach 1

Coach 2

Hockey Canada Coach 2

Hockey University Online Safety Program

Hockey Canada Safety Level 1

Hockey University Online Checking Skills       

Hockey Canada Checking Skills

Coaches who have taken a coach clinic last year will not be affected the 2024-2025 season.

Coaches who are taking a coach clinic for the first time will need to complete the Hockey Canada Coach level and the age specific module within the course content that they are coaching.

Example: Coaching Under 7, complete the HC Coach 1 and the U7 age specific module at the end of the course.

Full List of HNB Coach Requirements for the upcoming season:

For more information:

Matthew Vautour
Technical Director 506.453.0871


Coach or Assistant Coach

  • A person who is both on the bench during games and is on the ice during practices.


  • A person who is on the bench during the games to attend to any injuries. This person is on the bench or in the rink during practices as well - but does not go on the ice at all to help with any practices.


  • A person who assists with booking ice time, submitting tournament applications, making travel plans, coordinates team budget and acts as a liaison between coaches and parents. This person is permitted to be on the bench during games but does not go on the ice to assist with practices.

On ice volunteer (for U7 & U9 only)

  • A person who is on the ice during practice to help set up stations and aid in efficient delivery of practice. This person may help move coaching tools, pucks, or players, between stations and drills throughout the practice. On ice volunteers are permitted in the U7 and U9 divisions. In U11,  U13, U15 and U18, on ice volunteers are not permitted. On Ice volunteers are not permitted to be on the bench during games.

Respect in Sport Leader (Coach) -

FYHA Coaches will be reimbursed for some of their certification expenses. Please contact the Genearl Manager at 506-451-1333 or for more detail.

FYHA does not cover the cost of the criminal record search. The individual applying to volunteer with the association will pay the fee.

All successful candidates will be contacted by the Director of Coaching & Development and our Division Coordinators will be in contact with coaches concerning their role in the division's player evaluations and draft process. There will also be a pre-season coaches meeting held to review important changes and information necessary to make the season a success. Attendance will be mandatory for all head coaches. Details regarding the meeting will be posted on the website when they become available.

Please carefully read through the FYHA Coaches Manual as it contains very important information that you are responsible to be aware of and understand, including new budget guidelines, new evaluation & draft process, player affiliation, and suspensions.

Click here for the Policy for Electronic Devices in Locker Rooms
Click here for the HNB Minimum Standards of Discipline.
Click here for the HNB e-travel permit procedure.
Click here for the Hockey Canada Injury Report form.
Click here for the FYHA Incident Report form.
Click here for the Player Medical Information form.
Click here for the HNB Fair Play Policy & Contracts.
Click here for the FYHA Criminal Record Search Policy.
Click here for the FYHA Helmet Policy.
Click here for the FYHA Concussion Policy & Return to Play form.
Click here for the Hockey Canada Abuse, Harassment, and Bullying Policy.
Click here for the Hockey Canada Equipment Fitting guide.

Follow these steps to request an electronic travel permit:
1) Travel permits can only be created once you are HCR rostered for the current season as a coach. If you have difficulty, contact John at
2) Go to
3) If this is your first time at this site, create a member account. If you already have an account, log in.
4) Your home page will open showing your member information
5) On the right hand side of your information, click on VIEW
6) Select TRAVEL PERMITS from the task bar
7) TEAM TRAVEL will open up, showing the teams you are on for the current season. To the right of the team name which is travelling, select REQUEST A NEW PERMIT
8) This will take you to TEAM TRAVEL PERMIT. Complete all required information and at the bottom of the page, click on SUBMIT
9) You will now see this type of screen
10) In the HCR on your Team Information Page, the completed travel permit will appear

Date Status
test 2010-10-02 Pending
11) Your District Director will get an email to approve the travel permit. Once it is approved, your SELECTED TEAM'S TRAVEL PERMIT screen will change as follows: Status-Approved and Actions-Closed

Teams DO NEED a travel permit when:
Your team wants to play in any tournament.
Your team wants to play an exhibition game (even if you're playing another FYHA team in Fredericton)
Your team has an out of town practice that is outside of your regular practice schedule for your division
Your team books a practice on your own and not through FYHA
Anything that is outside your league comp schedule requires a travel permit

Teams DO NOT NEED a travel permit when
Your team has an out of town practice that is part of your regular practice schedule for your division
Anything that is part of your league comp schedule

As coaches within Hockey New Brunswick, our focus is to ensure that players develop and refine their hockey and skating skills, fair play, work hard, build teamwork, have fun, and most importantly, learn to respect teammates, coaches, opponents, officials and their decisions, and the game of hockey.  SAFETY and RESPECT are our goals.
As coaches, we agree to abide by the following guidelines:
  • We will actively encourage and support the concepts of Fair Play: Respect the rules, Respect your opponents, Respect the officials and their decisions, Have everyone participate, Maintain your self-control at all times.
  • We will be organized and prepared for all practice sessions and games to maximize and optimize all scheduled ice times.
  • We will not openly be critical of any players on our team, opposing teams, officials, or other coaches.
  • We will treat all players fairly and with respect and ensure all players receive equitable ice time throughout the season.
  • We will respond to and be aware of all players' safety and their needs.
  • We will emphasize respect, teamwork, fun, and attempt to build a love for the game in our players.
  • We fully understand that our system is designed to serve the needs of the players first, and not to serve the coaches and parents.
  • We will attempt to teach our players to work hard to win, but not to win at all costs.
  • We will respect other coaches within our system and work with them to ensure maximum benefit to the players.
  • We will make ourselves available to meet with individual parents to discuss any personal concerns.

Click here for the U7 practice plan as developed by Hockey Canada.
Click here for the U9 practice plan as developed by Hockey Canada.
Click here for the U11 practice plan as developed by Hockey Canada.
Click here for the U13 practice plan as developed by Hockey Canada.
Click here for the U15 practice plan as developed by Hockey Canada.
Click here for the U18 practice plan as developed by Hockey Canada.
Click here for the Goaltender beginner practice plan as developed by Hockey Canada.
Click here for the Goaltender intermediate practice plan as developed by Hockey Canada.
Click here for the Goaltender advanced practice plan as developed by Hockey Canada.
For more practice plans and drills, contact your Division Coordinator.

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