*City to Vote on 1-Year Trial York Arena Closure*


On August 6th City Council will vote on the possibility of closing the York Arena for a 1-year trial period.

We have been made aware that City Staff are making a recommendation to Council to close the York Arena for a 1 year trial period as this is on the agenda for August 6th at Noon. Please keep in mind that primetime ice rentals in Fredericton are at approximately 85% and this number includes the York Arena.

If the York Arena does in fact close, once again the tax payers of Fredericton and members of our association will be forced to travel during the worst time of the year to participate in the game we all love.

The FYHA fears that Council may listen to staff.  If the York Arena closes, city staff will be forced to cut upwards of 30 plus hours from our association. Our program currently runs on approximately 130 hours/week. Prior to the opening of the Grant Harvey Centre, FYHA was receiving approximately 80-87 hours per week and we had several teams travelling to Keswick, Stanley, Minto and Nackawic.
As mentioned earlier, the arenas are 85% booked (busier than both Saint John and Moncton.) If the York closes, there will be about 57 hours (26.5 of these hours were FYHA’s time) per week taken away from users.  The FYHA encourages all members to speak with our City Councillors and make sure they understand that not only is this a poor judgement call but it is directly forcing kids and parents to travel out of town on a regular basis to play hockey.
We believe the city has done a great job with the new facilities.  But it would be a shame to have spent $50 million dollars and not fixed the ice shortage issue.
Please, take the time to call your City Councillor.