Interested in becoming a hockey referee?


New Officials Clinic    The NBHOA will be offering 3 English Zoom Clinics and 2 French Zoom Clinics. These are the ONLY clinic dates and they are restricted to 35 sign ups per clinic. Individuals age 12+ , and fully vacciniated, are eligible to become a hockey referee.   The dates of the zoom ...

New Officials Clinic 
The NBHOA will be offering 3 English Zoom Clinics and 2 French Zoom Clinics. These are the ONLY clinic dates and they are restricted to 35 sign ups per clinic. Individuals age 12+ , and fully vacciniated, are eligible to become a hockey referee.
The dates of the zoom clinics are; 
Sunday, October 24th at 9 AM - English
Thursday, November 4th at 6 PM - English
Saturday, November 6th at 9 AM - French
Sunday, November 14th at 9 AM - French
Sunday, November 21st at 9 AM - English 
Individuals can only sign up for the clinic after completing the HU Modules. Officials must finish the Online modules as soon as possible to ensure that they can get a spot in one of the clinics.  The cut-off for registering for a clinic is the day before the clinic is held. 
All the information can be found here  

If you have any questions, please contact