

Members of the Association, 
We appreciate your patience as we adjust our Return to Play Plan for the '20-'21 season.  Hockey New Brunswick has revised its phased return to play guideline, and we have made adjustments to our timeline to allow for a safer, earlier return than originally proposed.  Unfortunately, the City of Fredericton is still awaiting final approval of its new Guideline for Arena Access from the New Brunswick Office of Public Safety.  The season is upon us, so we have to update you now on what we do know.
Play will resume October 3 across most divisions. The initial stage will involve FYHA players moving through a 2-week "Phase-1" of Skills & Drills and Player Assessments.  Tryouts for competitive teams will not begin Phase 2. which will be the start of Week 3.  We expect teams to be formed before the end of October, and intra-league exhibition play will resume in Phase 3 - likely in November.  Successful progress through these phases will depend on the status of Covid-19 in the province, and our ability to show adherence to our Return to Play Plan.
We are excited to have everyone back at the rink, and we expect a more "normal" year than we had originally thought possible.  We will release the official FYHA RTP document later this week which will reflect some operational changes. Stay tuned for a message from your diivison co-ordinator.  
Get those skates sharpened!
Frank Collins
FYHA President